Pasta en salsa de Ocopa [Pasta in Ocopa Sauce] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini





Dscto. en Restaurantes

Clases en Vivo


Mi Cuenta



Pasta in Ocopa Sauce



35 min

Considered one of the most emblematic starters of our cuisine, it was born in the white city but consumed all over Peru. This sauce usually covers our Andean potatoes with flavor and history, but the truth is it's so delicious that when you taste it, you want to eat it even with bread. There are many versions of Ocopa, but what they all have in common is the sacred herb of the Incas, huacatay, history, tradition, flavor, and pride in every bite. Here I leave you my version with much respect and dedicated to all my beautiful people from Arequipa. This is the secret, once all the ingredients are partying, cook them over low heat for a few minutes so that the flavors integrate, without hurry but without pause. Don't be afraid to blend the mixture with the shrimp shells, in the end, you're going to strain it. We rectify the seasoning and we are ready. We quickly cook the shrimp, always well dried and with the pan very hot. It shouldn't take you more than 3 minutes, now it's time to play, a generous amount of Ocopa, the pasta and you are officially ready to serve.

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4 servings




Picture for Pasta en salsa de Ocopa [Pasta in Ocopa Sauce]

4 servings






1 cebolla roja

6 dientes de ajo

2 aji amarillo sin venas

2 aji mirasol

150 g mani

12 rinocerontes ( galleta animalitos)

1 lata de leche evaporada (400ml aprox)

200 g queso fresco o paria o los 2

40 g huacatay fresco ( aprox)

25 und carcasas de langostinos, guardar los langostinos limpios para acompaniar plato




600 gr Spaghetti Pasta

50 gr Huacatay


3 dientes de ajo


Huacatay picado

Queso fresco

Aceite de oliva


1 red onion

6 cloves of garlic

2 yellow chili peppers, veins removed

2 mirasol chili peppers

150 g peanuts

12 rhinos (animal crackers)

1 can of evaporated milk (approx 400ml)

200 g fresh cheese or paria cheese or both

40 g fresh huacatay (approx)

25 shrimp shells, save the cleaned shrimp for serving




600 gr Spaghetti Pasta

50 gr Huacatay


3 cloves of garlic


Chopped huacatay

Fresh cheese

Olive oil



Step 1

Partir cebolla, ajo, y aji.

1 cebolla roja

6 dientes de ajo

2 aji amarillo sin venas

Step 2

Pelar los langostinos y reservar la carcasa para la salsa ocopa.


Step 3

En agua hirviendo, agregar huacatay, ajo, aceite, y pasta.

40 g huacatay fresco ( aprox)


3 dientes de ajo

600 gr Spaghetti Pasta


Step 4

For the Ocopa

Step 1

Agregar aceite en una sartén, y sudar la cebolla junto al ajo, aji amarillo, aji mirasol, la carcasa de los langostinos, sal y la pimienta. Cocinar por 5 minutos.


3 dientes de ajo

2 aji mirasol

2 aji amarillo sin venas

25 und carcasas de langostinos, guardar los langostinos limpios para acompaniar plato


Step 2

Agregar maní tostado y 12 rinocerontes. Cocinar por 3 minutos.

150 g mani

12 rinocerontes ( galleta animalitos)

Step 3

Agregar queso fresco, leche evaporada, huacatay, y el agua de la pasta. Cocinar por 10 minutos.

200 g queso fresco o paria o los 2

1 lata de leche evaporada (400ml aprox)

Huacatay picado

Step 4

Retirar la mezcla de la sartén y licuar con una pizca de sal y queso fresco. Debe ser colada una vez licuada.


Queso fresco

Step 5

En una sartén ponemos un poco de aceite y cocinamos los langostinos secos con un poco de limón.

Aceite de oliva


Step 6

En otra sartén caliente agregamos la salsa que hemos preparado y la pasta.

Step 7

Oficialmente está listo para servir.


Step 1

Chop onion, garlic, and chili.

1 red onion

6 cloves of garlic

2 yellow chili peppers, veins removed

Step 2

Peel the prawns and reserve the shell for the Ocopa sauce.


Step 3

In boiling water, add huacatay (Peruvian black mint), garlic, oil, and pasta.

40 g fresh huacatay (approx)


3 cloves of garlic

600 gr Spaghetti Pasta


Step 4

For the Ocopa

Step 1

Add oil to a pan, and sweat the onion along with the garlic, yellow chili, mirasol chili, the prawn shells, salt, and pepper. Cook for 5 minutes.


3 cloves of garlic

2 mirasol chili peppers

2 yellow chili peppers, veins removed

25 shrimp shells, save the cleaned shrimp for serving


Step 2

Add toasted peanuts and 12 rhinoceroses. Cook for 3 minutes.

150 g peanuts

12 rhinos (animal crackers)

Step 3

Add fresh cheese, evaporated milk, huacatay, and the pasta water. Cook for 10 minutes.

200 g fresh cheese or paria cheese or both

1 can of evaporated milk (approx 400ml)

Chopped huacatay

Step 4

Remove the mixture from the pan and blend with a pinch of salt and fresh cheese. It should be strained once blended.


Fresh cheese

Step 5

In a pan, add a little oil and cook the dried prawns with a little lemon.

Olive oil


Step 6

In another hot pan, add the sauce we have prepared and the pasta.

Step 7

It is officially ready to serve.

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