Hígado de Res Marinado con Camotes y Encebollado [Marinated Beef Liver with Sweet Potatoes and Onion Sauce] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini




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Marinated Beef Liver with Sweet Potatoes and Onion Sauce



45 min

The secret to enjoying a good beef liver, besides it being super fresh, is the marinade and not overcooking it. Here's a recipe that's top-notch.

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4 servings




Picture for Hígado de Res Marinado con Camotes y Encebollado [Marinated Beef Liver with Sweet Potatoes and Onion Sauce]

4 servings






For the Hígado Marinado

500 g hígado de res

Sal, pimienta, comino

5 g orégano

3 und hojas de laurel

50 g pasta de ajo

50 ml salsa de soya

50 ml aceite de oliva

35 ml vinagre de manzana

For the Camotes

2 und camote

30 ml aceite de oliva


For the Encebollado

1 und cebolla roja

½ pimiento rojo

1 und ají amarillo en tiras (opcional)

80 g tomate cherry

40 ml vinagre de manzana

30 ml aceite de oliva

30 ml salsa de soya

3 g orégano seco


For the Marinated Liver

500 g beef liver

Salt, pepper, cumin

5 g oregano

3 bay leaves

50 g garlic paste

50 ml soy sauce

50 ml olive oil

35 ml apple cider vinegar

For the Sweet Potatoes

2 sweet potatoes

30 ml olive oil


For the Onion Sauce

1 red onion

½ red pepper

1 yellow chili in strips (optional)

80 g cherry tomatoes

40 ml apple cider vinegar

30 ml olive oil

30 ml soy sauce

3 g dried oregano



Step 1

For the Hígado Marinado

Step 1

Marinar el hígado con sal, pimienta, comino, orégano, hojas de laurel, pasta de ajo, salsa de soya, aceite de oliva y vinagre de manzana al menos 2 horas antes de freír.

Step 2

Antes de empezar, pincha los hígados con un tenedor por todos lados para evitar que se doble en la sartén.

Step 3

Cocinar 3 minutos por lado a fuego fuerte y reservar.

Step 4

For the Camotes

Step 1

Cortar los camotes en rodajas, agregarlos en un recipiente y cocinar al horno por 20min a 200C.

Step 2

Comprobar con un tenedor que esté totalmente cocido, si pasa suave ya está.

Step 3

For the Encebollado

Step 1

Utilizar la misma sartén del hígado para recuperar el sabor, agregar las cebollas y luego el vinagre, esto ayudará a que queden crocantes.

Step 2

Luego agregar los demás ingredientes, saltear y reservar.


Step 1

For the Marinated Liver

Step 1

Marinate the liver with salt, pepper, cumin, oregano, bay leaves, garlic paste, soy sauce, olive oil, and apple cider vinegar for at least 2 hours before frying.

Step 2

Before starting, prick the livers with a fork on all sides to prevent them from curling in the pan.

Step 3

Cook the liver for 3 minutes on each side over high heat and set aside.

Step 4

Use the same pan for the onion sauce.

Step 5

For the Sweet Potatoes

Step 1

Cut the sweet potatoes into slices, place them in a container.

Step 2

Bake the sweet potatoes for 20 minutes at 200C, check with a fork that it is fully cooked, if it goes in smoothly, it's ready.

Step 3

For the Onion Sauce

Step 1

Use the same pan as the liver to recover the flavor, add the onions and then the vinegar, this will help them stay crunchy.

Step 2

Then add the red pepper, yellow chili (if using), cherry tomatoes, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, soy sauce, and dried oregano, sauté and set aside.

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