Ceviche de paiche [Paiche Ceviche] by chefrodrigofernandini

Rodrigo Fernandini




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Paiche Ceviche


Paiche Ceviche I would dare to say that this ceviche is in the top 3 that I have prepared, what a spectacle the products that our jungle offers us. @ladoradacuicultura LADORADA fish farm is a business initiative developed under the futuristic concept of Symbiotic BIOaquaculture; this system develops an organic cycle in which the breeding of Paiches is mixed with the Cultivation of Plants, the waste from the Paiches feeds the Plants which in turn purify the water with a correct biochemistry in a process called Aquaponics, this uses a Computerized and Automated IoT interface and is operated entirely with Clean and renewable energy using Photovoltaic Panels and Synthesis Gas or SynGas.

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Picture for Ceviche de paiche [Paiche Ceviche]






leche de tigre amazonica:

200 camu camu

50 g cebolla roja picada

5 ajies charapitas

3 ajies dulces picados

50 g sachaculantro

300 ml jugo de limon

100 ml cidra

50 limon mandarina

5 dientes ajo

sal al gusto

Para terminar el ceviche:

400 g lomo de paiche en cubos

90 g platano bellaco sancochado y en rodajas

60 g yuca sangochada y trozada

100 g cebolla roja en pluma

15 g sachaculantro picado

2 charapitas picados

40 g aji dulce picado

300 ml leche de tigre amazonica

sal al gusto


Amazonian Tiger's Milk:

200 camu camu

50 g chopped red onion

5 charapita peppers

3 chopped sweet peppers

50 g sachaculantro (Amazonian cilantro)

300 ml lemon juice

100 ml cider

50 mandarin lemons

5 garlic cloves

salt to taste

To finish the ceviche:

400 g paiche loin in cubes

90 g boiled and sliced plantain

60 g boiled and chopped yucca

100 g red onion in feather (thinly sliced)

15 g chopped sachaculantro (Amazonian cilantro)

2 chopped charapita peppers

40 g chopped sweet pepper

300 ml Amazonian Tiger's Milk

salt to taste



Step 1

En un bol agregar el camu camu y con la ayuda de algo pesado aplastar, agregar los demas ingredientes menos los jugos de citricos, seguir aplastando y luego agregar los jugos de los citricos, dejar infusionar al menos 30 minutos antes de colarlo.

Step 2

Para terminar el ceviche: En un bol agregar el paiche en cubos mas todos los ingredientes menos la leche de tigre, mezclar bien y luego agregar la leche de tigre, servir inmediatamente


Step 1

In a bowl, add the camu camu and crush it with something heavy, add the other ingredients except for the citrus juices, continue crushing and then add the citrus juices, let it infuse for at least 30 minutes before straining it.

Step 2

To finish the ceviche: In a bowl, add the cubed paiche plus all the ingredients except for the tiger's milk, mix well and then add the tiger's milk, serve immediately.

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